Evelyn Goes on a Reading Binge

It’s been a while since I last had the opportunity to just read. Life tends to get in the way, and the past two months were spent writing a new manuscript. This week, I my schedule cleared up and I read through three novellas! So here are my three quick book reviews!

All these books and authors come highly recommended!

Hunting Death

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I found this book to be a quick and gripping read. I swear that this author channels Bram Stoker in her writing, taking some of the canon and introducing great twists along the way. This book is certainly recommended!

Dream a Little Dream of Me

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Dream a Little Dream of Me by Jolie St. Amant
Dream a Little Dream of Me by Jolie St. Amant

I just tore through this book in an evening and I was honestly blown away. While new to her world, I easily dove in and found a rich tapestry of characters and scenes to feed my imagination. Vampires, ghosts, old souls, and other elements all combine beautifully! The characters are well written, relatable, and compelling.

This book is clearly part of a larger collection of books and yet stands on its own. Highly recommended!

Taken by Greek Gods: Odysseus Fattens Kalypso

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A well-known tale taken from the Odyssey and expanded. Author adds historically accurate details like meals, and measurements to make it seem more authentic. Although, it’s the characters that really shine, giving a humanity to the hero and throwing in a few sex scenes for good measure!

Highly recommended!


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