Man of War – Excerpt No. 17

Bertand knelt down and reached for the sword a couple of feet away from his student. Marc watched on in anticipation, his dark brown eyes wide and aglow. 

“Fetch your horn and pistol,” Bertrand said. “Be quick about it.”

Upon hearing the two words in the same sentence, Marc’s grin transitioned to a toothy smile. Normally the Comtesse forbade firearms training within the keep, claiming it rattled her nerves. It seemed like Bertrand was willing to incur her wrath to his benefit.

“Really?” Marc asked, that word overflowing with hope and joy.

“I’ll fetch us some horses,” Bertrand added. “Now go on swiftly.”

Picture of a young boy running away fromt he acmera. Appears to be running through a castle with several columns visible and arched doorways.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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