Man of War – Excerpt No. 29

“I HATE YOU!” Marc screeched, his voice cracking from the strain.

“You don’t mean—” Bertrand said. 

“YOU LIED TO ME,” Marc countered, his face red and distorted from all the range.

“I followed orders,” Bertrand replied calmly. 

Marc was too young to understand the discipline of a soldier and the solemn vow they took to follow orders. There was no way for this boy to comprehend how breaking their word took more courage than a general with an army at their back. 


“If only you knew,” Bertand said in that same calm voice.

Boy of French decent, in the woods, screaming at someone. His eyes narrowed, fingers formed into fists, veins bulging from neck and forehead, red faced. Clothes and scene appropriate for 1600s France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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