Man of War – Excerpt No. 327

I’d gladly watch the traitor die,” Marc said without any hint of emotion.

Clearly, the boy was not pleased by his response. While Marc stared off into the distance, this spoiled child turned beat red. Elder vampires did not often lose control to the point of activating their long dormant metabolic functions.

Before the bulging vein in the boy’s forehead burst, a woman ventured into the fray. Marc had not noticed her before, because she wished to remain hidden from his gaze.

Sixteen year old boy of Belgian descent was dressed to the latest fashions and short.  He was decidedly ugly, with a distorted face that his blond hair and blue eyes could never compensate for. Namely, big crooked teeth, and an unusually developed jaw and nose. Enraged the boy is flushed and a vein bulges from his forehead. Standing in a busy Venetian parlor at night. Scene and clothes appropriate for 16th century Venice.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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