Man of War – Excerpt No. 342

They entered an expansive chamber. It was so large that light did not reach the other side. He paused long enough to take in the view, in awe that places like this existed deep underground.

“You don’t want to wander,” Susanna said. “There’s a trap at the centre.”

“Why haven’t we encountered traps before?”

We did,” Susanna said bluntly. “You could say that I’m your lucky charm.”

What she meant was that the presence of a vampire negated some traps. Hence, any human who happened upon this place, would face a growing assortment of threats.

“That, and so much more…”

“Stop it,” Susanna said before giggling.

The lord and lady entered an expansive chamber carved straight into the igneous rock. It was so large that light from the torches did not reach the other side. He paused long enough to take in the view, in awe that places like this existed deep underground. Clothes and scene appropriate for 16th century Venice.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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