Man of War – Excerpt No. 358

“Vampires may have a society, but it’s anything but civil.”

It was said that vampires were above all of that. Instead of being overt, they plotted and schemed, which was something a man of war, such as himself, abhorred.

“I preferred to see an enemy coming,” Marc said as the image of that encounter between Susanna and Drusilla crystalised in his mind.

“Drusilla’s plans could play out over millennia,” Marc said. “God help those who got in the way…”

Nigh shot of a beautiful blonde female vampire writing using a quill and ink, plotting out something that will take place over thousands of years. On the table she is writing there are figurines representing enemies, some have been toppled, others are surrounded by figurines remarking allies. While the settings are lavish and palatial, the mood is dark and foreboding .Scene and clothing appropriate for the 16th Century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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