Man of War – Excerpt No. 369

His strength left him, causing his legs to wobble… I feel like I’m dying

Hold on!” Susanna urged.

His breathing grew shallow and raspy. Drusilla withdrew her fangs and visually let him drop to the ground… Barón had a similar facethat smug, self-satisfied look.

An empty victory,” Susanna said. “You’re almost there.”

Drusilla grabbed one of his boots and dragged him, chest facing the floor, towards the pool. Marc took in a lungful of dust, but he was too weak to cough. At the edge of the blood pool, she left him there like discarded trash.

Drusilla sauntered casually to the altar, with a chalice and old codex atop. From Susanna’s vantage point, Marc realised the pages were made from animal skin—

Only if you consider humans to be animals…” Susanna said.

After slipping to the right page, Drusilla recited something in an archaic form of Latin. The words had a poetic quality to them, but this creature was purposefully breaking the cadence… to make it more horrific?

Someone stepped out from the shadows. The woman with bare feet, raven black hair, sunburnt skin, and… black eyes

Blonde vampire in a white ritualistic gown with fangs visible dragging a young lord who is bleeding from the neck towards a pool of blood.  Located in a dark cave lit by torches, with a stone altar, and a large well filled with blood.  Scene and clothing appropriate for the 16th Century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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