Evelyn Reads the Engine What Runs the World

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Engine What Runs the World by Quinn W. Buckland introduces the reader to a new world, one where humanity has gone through multiple world-changing events leading to a technology regressive society. It introduces a vertical society that are literally based on levels, each with their own quirks and customs.

The Engine What Runs the World by Quinn W. Buckland

I loved it! The characters have depth and the author brings forth a detailed history. Their interactions with the world are memorable, and details early on play a part throughout. The author also plays a role, known as The Writer, a divine entity that drives the story; an element I found to be both cute and witty.

It is clear that there will be much more to explore from this world, and I look forward to diving into it in the future! Highly recommended!


2 responses to “Evelyn Reads the Engine What Runs the World”

  1. J.M. avatar

    Is it “The Engine That Runs the World” or “what”?

    1. Evelyn Chartres avatar

      It’s the latter. 😊

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