Copy and paste these instructions into the Find and Replace function within Microsoft Word. Replace All can be used for every operation except for the last two.
[^s^t^32]{1,} | ^32 | Yes | Single and consistent spacing |
^32{1,}(^13) | \1 | Yes | No trailing spaces at end of paragraph |
(^13)^32{1,}([!^13]) | \1\2 | Yes | No leading spaces at the beginning of a paragraph |
(^13){2,} | \1 | Yes | Removes empty lines |
[!.\!\?””;,…—\*^12](^13) | Yes | Paragraphs ending without punctuation | |
[.\!\?””;,][!^32^13^12””] | Yes | Stuck sentences and other oddities |
Normalise a Manuscript in 4 Easy Steps is available on Google Drive.