Such an impact would have taken the wind out of anyone, but his fury served to fuel Barón’s miraculous recovery. Marc’s arm was sore from the impact of his blade with the horse, and there was a visible gouge in the steel, but he was otherwise fine. I’m still more than a match for him.
They stared each other down, circling as they approached. Before Marc could engage, another wave of horsemen burst through the smoke. The second officer was headed right for him, whereas another was going straight for Cornay.
Marc took aim and fired his last round. The crack caused his Adjutant to turn back just as the horse dropped and slid along the ground. The horse was dead, inches away from the Adjudant.
Without time, Marc dropped to his knees, as something knocked the hat off and ruffled his hair… I might’ve gotten a shave had it been any closer!
Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.