The Van Helsing Impetus – Excerpt No. 100

This one had no visible marks of trauma. However, those glassy eyes were still open, and the head moved freely. He had been doing this job long enough to know what happened.

“He was a registered guest,” Max said.

“Sir?” the head chef asked.

“She’s at it again,” Max said.

He was referring to a child-like vampire that often vacationed at The Grand during the summer months. This centuries old vampire had a hair trigger when it came to being called child or adorable. Every year these extra bodies would crop up, courtesy of her tantrums.

Picture of a child with makup and clothing to imply she is a vampire. Including blood around the lip.
Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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