The Van Helsing Impetus – Excerpt No. 121

“Any idea what happened,” Clara said.

She tried to lean back against the wall but realised that her wings were in the way. It was odd, she had no memory of reverting from her plain Jane form. She focused on taking on that form, for nothing more than comfort, but nothing happened. Huh. That’s odd.

“I have an idea,” Evelyn said. “You won’t like it.”

“I’m in no shape for games,” Clara said.

“…Well. I saw three versions of Hecate leave the scene,” Evelyn said.

“You’re right,” Clara said. “Not what I needed to hear.”

As though on cue the main lighting flickered for a moment before fading out entirely.

“Horsefeathers,” Clara said just as the emergency lighting came to life.

Picture of a naked lightbulb with the filament showing. Image by Arunodhai V from Pexels.
Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. The image is sourced from Pexels.


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