The Van Helsing Impetus – Excerpt No. 16

From her point of view, she was not on the best of terms with God. Being banished from Heaven was the first clue there was a disconnect, and helping an angry spirit to avenge their death by the hands of a murderous priest probably did not help relations.

In life the church had been a great source of comfort, it gave her direction and a purpose. The more she learned about how her order worked and what they did to hunters, the more her faith faded. I feel as though I’ve been cast adrift on a sea of uncertainty

Imagine of someone sitting at the pews of a church. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay.
Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. The image is sourced from Pixabay.


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