Clara was covered in blood, sweat, and caked on dirt after a long night of fighting werewolves. She stumbled into her apartment, and though weary went right for the bathroom. She stopped mid-stride, upon seeing the naked curves of the half-Asian woman standing at the threshold of the door.
“You took your sweet time,” Elizabeth said.
“Well, werewolves take a bit more effort to house train than a pug,” Clara answered. “I didn’t want them pawing at the door to be let out…”
“We wouldn’t want that,” Elizabeth said in a husky voice. “Would we?”
Clara picked up that Elizabeth’s heart rate was increasing in unison with her own. She smirked, but werewolf blood was decidedly not an aphrodisiac. To mar Elizabeth’s smooth skin with all that blood and grime made her skin crawl.
“I really should shower,” Clara said. “You want to help me get at those hard to reach—”

Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. The image is sourced from Pexels.
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