The bus passed through a wrought-iron gate supported by a stone and mortar wall. A shiver ran down her spine as the memory of her doing the same as a child resurfaced. Even a tour bus, loaded with weary passengers looking to wet their palettes, was luxurious compared to a horse and cart the farmer used to shuttle supplies back and forth to the school.
Welcome to our first stop on our wine tasting tour…
Clara looked out of her window as the bus drove onto the paved courtyard. Other than her school being converted into a vineyard, this was her first clue that much had changed since she last haunted these halls.
Established in 1836 as a school for orphaned girls. To our left…

Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. The image is sourced from Pixabay.
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