The Van Helsing Impetus – Excerpt No. 285

“I really appreciate all your help today,” Clara said. “Do you need any help to carry these back?”

“That’s thoughtful of you,” the librarian said. “Take that pile over there and follow me.”

“Happy to do it,” Clara said. “I’m Clara.”

“Dora,” the librarian answered.That name made her smile, for reasons that she would never say aloud. A dumb Dora this gal was not. This was another expression that routinely confused anyone she came across, save Evelyn.

Brunette with wild hair an a dirt face, looking as though something blew up in her face. Holds two vials of liquids which are likely not to react well when mixed.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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