The suite she booked at the hotel cost more per night than Elizabeth would pay in rent. She could not help but smile at the memory of cooking in that cramped kitchen. She loved it when Elizabeth checked her out thinking that the cook was otherwise too busy to notice. I just had to fuck it all up… and I still am.
The room, courtesy of Evelyn’s credit card, was also bigger than their apartment. The bathroom itself was a thing of wonder, with a tub big enough to swim in, and a shower that featured more jets than she knew what to do with. For a second I thought it was a carwash.
The opulence of it all left her a bit torn. She had indulged in luxury as a hunter, even within the halls of this very hotel, but this went beyond the pale. What counted as luxury in the Roaring Twenties had been relegated to bargain basement accommodations today. This seems a bit much. Still, I probably won’t complain after getting a good night’s sleep in that bed…
“Not even Zeus had a temple like this,” Silver said.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from The Van Helsing Impetus is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. The image is sourced from Pexels.
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