The #IndieApril hashtag came into being on Twitter this year, and has proven to be a boon for indie authors like myself! Not only could we advertise our books more often, it also reached a greater number potential readers. So what does that mean for an author who gives their work away? Well for other than roughly one-hundred purchases in the month, four times the norm, and translated to a jump in reviews!
Overall, I managed to wrangle up five new reviews under this month. These were also unsolicited, well written, and positive!
For the curious, the reviews are below:
This novel features what I crave the most out of a story: a main character whom I love to follow!
I had no trouble dropping into this word and enjoying the ride.
Clara, the main character, will be a favorite if you like the intellectual type of heroin that’s always ahead of the game.
Clara isn’t ordinary and it’s clear at a young age, she can kick undead arse.
In any case, it’s an interesting read with several intriguing scenes and thoughts as well as what is revealed to be The Van Helsing Paradox itself
I am sure this trend will not continue beyond April 2019. Still, this was an interesting experiment to see unfold and remain curious to see if this phenomenon will be repeated next year.
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