The Van Helsing Paradox explores the life and times of Clara Grey, a hunter for a secretive religious order. Explore Clara’s origins, as a child born before the dawn of the twentieth century and how she blossomed into a full-fledged hunter. Witness how the tragedy of the Great War and her training helped her to become an empowered flapper wielding her trusty derringer.
I came across a lovely 3🌟 review for the Van Helsing Paradox by Laura Smith. While there are a few points of critique, this review has a lot positive things to say about my story!
In my opinion, the reviewer nailed the overall feel of the novel with the line below. Namely, that the Van Helsing Paradox was written with a focus on key elements in Clara’s life.
Chartres weaves an imaginative tale about a whip-smart, ruthless, and level-headed vampire killer laid out in an anthology of missions.
Laura Smith does mention the modern voice in this novel. That’s a fair point, considering the book was written specifically to have a modern voice. While a lexicon was included to help with the Roaring Twenties slang that was used sparingly, the intent was to add spice to the prose, not mimic the style of the era.
She does end off in a positive note!
Overall, it is a brutal, intriguing story that would appeal to any vampire fan.
Thank you so much Laura Smith for your honest review!
Here is a lovely 4🌟 review for The Van Helsing Paradox from Elena Hartford! This is my latest dark fantasy release that tells the tale of Clara Grey, a young child who grows learns that monsters are real, and grows up to hunt things that go bump in the night!
Here is a lovely 5🌟 review for The Van Helsing Paradox! This is my latest dark fantasy release that tells the tale of Clara Grey, a young child who grows up to hunt things that go bump in the night!
Her review is a quick read, and nicely sums up the whole of the story without delving into spoilers that might ruin it for new readers. Here is my favourite quote:
Its breathless pacing makes it a great pool or beach read—in the sun!
Thank you Cecily Winter for the kind words! I’m thrilled you liked my novel! 🥳
Wow! What a lovely review from M.J. Hudon for The Van Helsing Paradox. This is my latest dark fantasy release that follows the life and times of Clara Grey, a child who grows up to hunt things that go bump in the night!
Her review is simple, straight forward and beautifully done. The following is an except from the review:
Clara Grey notices things. Things nobody else will allow themselves to see. It is this ability, this willingness to believe, that makes Miss Grey the perfect candidate for training to be a monster hunter.
This one is my favourite:
Well written and smart, The Van Helsing Paradox is a fresh take on monster hunting and monster hunters.
Thank you very much for your great review! Are you curious about my work? Just click on my Prose link, to find a list of all my published works!
The #IndieApril movement on Twitter was a boon for independent authors, and this trend seems to have spilled into May. Overall, a good month for reviews for my latest dark fantasy release, The Van Helsing Paradox. In all, I caught six reviews on, and for your convenience they are included below:
Fast-paced, intriguing, and I love Clara as a protagonist.
Five-Star – 6 May 19 – A fantastic read!
I’d recommend reading, especially to those who love a good femme fatale or noir story!
Four-Star – 6 May 19 – Well written with a great plot
An exciting tale packed with adventure and interesting characters…
Five-Star – 22 May 19 – Supernatural thrills and a feisty heroine!
Entertaining and delightful and I look forward to reading more by this author
5-Stars – 23 May 19 – Entertaining and delightful story
This is a very creative, well thought out story
4-Stars – 23 May 19 – The Van Helsing Paradox, A Review
If you enjoy vampire tales, Indiana Jones, detective mysteries and all of that with a slice of horror, this book’s for you.
4-Stars – 27 May 19 – Horror meets Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones
Of note, two of the reviews were removed from The reasons for which are unknown, and only found out when making this post, because my screen captures of reviews found, did not match what exists on the site now. Either way, I can’t complain. These are unsolicited and positive reviews, what more can a writer ask for?
For those interested in reading my content on Wattpad, I’ve updated my latest dark fantasy tale, The Van Helsing Paradox, to match the print version! Are you curious about a femme fatale flapper who hunts things that go bump in the night? Why not try it now!
As an added feature, this specific release also features dates at the top of every chapter. It’s my hope that it will enable readers to get better situated! 😉
The #IndieApril hashtag came into being on Twitter this year, and has proven to be a boon for indie authors like myself! Not only could we advertise our books more often, it also reached a greater number potential readers. So what does that mean for an author who gives their work away? Well for other than roughly one-hundred purchases in the month, four times the norm, and translated to a jump in reviews!
Overall, I managed to wrangle up five new reviews under this month. These were also unsolicited, well written, and positive!
For the curious, the reviews are below:
This novel features what I crave the most out of a story: a main character whom I love to follow!
Clara Grey: An intelligent action heroine I love to read!- 4 Stars – Mighty Tid
I had no trouble dropping into this word and enjoying the ride.
A Fun Read – 4 Stars – Reader Who Hikes
Clara, the main character, will be a favorite if you like the intellectual type of heroin that’s always ahead of the game.
Entertaining tale if you enjoy stories about monster hunters! – 4 stars – Samantha Kroese
Clara isn’t ordinary and it’s clear at a young age, she can kick undead arse.
Ghouls and undead monsters abound! – 5 Stars – Nick Braker
In any case, it’s an interesting read with several intriguing scenes and thoughts as well as what is revealed to be The Van Helsing Paradox itself
Interesting Theory of Static Individuals… – 4 Stars – Sahreth ‘Baphy’ Bowden
I am sure this trend will not continue beyond April 2019. Still, this was an interesting experiment to see unfold and remain curious to see if this phenomenon will be repeated next year.
In the mood for dark fantasy story about a girl who grows up to hunt things that go bump in the night? Learn why a gal has to look out for herself after all. So why not check out The Van Helsing Paradox for free? Get it now!
Whoa! What a review from Dave Higgins for The Van Helsing Paradox! My latest dark fantasy novel that follows the life of a child, who grows up to hunt things that go bump in the night.
Here is an excerpt of the beginning of his review, and it gets better from there!
Chartres fuses ancient conspiracies within the Church with urban fantasy to create a fast-paced horror adventure that doesn’t lack for depth.
It’s obvious that Dave Higgins has not only read the book, but taken time to gain some insight. Be it the ramifications of faith on those who hunt, to the sacrifice hunters ultimately make; despite temptations that surround them outside of their own sanctuary. Of course, he really ends this review with a bang!
Overall, I enjoyed this novel greatly. I recommend it to readers seeking an engaging tale of vampire hunting or the complexities of saving humanity secretly.
Thank you very much for your great review! Are you curious about my work? Just click on Prose, to find a list of all my published works!