Man of War – Excerpt No. 102

“That was fast, Maternien,” René said. 

“You’ve never had me summoned, let alone this late in the evening, René,” Maternien replied.

The fact they used their given names implied a great deal. That helped Marc to relax, enough that at his uncle’s urging he turned around to have a better look at the man. 

Maternien was tall and well-built, with thinning grey hair to complement the look. The distant stare in those eyes hinted this man had seen combat, and the crooked nose seemingly confirmed that fact. 

“This is my nephew. He needs to learn discipline… and patience. He’s gotten in trouble back home and needs someone to guide him.”

Maternien was tall and well-built, with thinning grey hair to complement the look. The distant stare in those eyes hinted this man had seen combat, and the crooked nose seemingly confirmed that fact. Dress as a bourgeois. Background and clothing appropriate to the 16th century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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