Man of War – Excerpt No. 106

So Marc took a leave of absence that day, and with permission from his Capitaine secured the use of a horse named Limos for the journey home. 

His Uncle recommended that he secure a set of peasant’s clothing prior to leaving. Marc believed it would be safer to travel in uniform, and it was sure to loosen the tongues of the old hens back home.

“We shall see,” Marc said to no one in particular.

He tapped on the Limos’ side to get going. Looking back, Marc viewed this as a bittersweet moment for him. Alas, he had been too caught up in the details to pay attention to the significance of the event.

“Won’t we Limos?”

Man on a large horse, in uniform, departing from a garrison with marching soldiers in the background. Background and clothing appropriate to the 16th century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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