Man of War – Excerpt No. 200

“That doesn’t look promising,” Marc said.

They stood at the crest of the hill overlooking the fields outside of town. In the distance along the treeline between fields, there were lights from dozens of campfires. Every so often the light was interrupted from soldiers passing ahead of the flames.

“I’d say anywhere from ninety and one-forty men,” Cornay said. 

“At worst there are five of them to one of us,” Marc said. “It’s not too late to back out now.”

“And miss out on all the fun, mon Capitaine?” Cornay replied.

Night shot from high of campfires and scores of soldiers sitting around them in the woods. Scene and clothing appropriate for 16th century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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