Man of War – Excerpt No. 245

The club itself was a repurposed manor, but it did not stick out from its neighbours. If not for the two men in fine livery waiting at the dock, it would have been a joke at his expense.

“Giovanni Sorrento sent me,” Marc said as the boatsman buttoned onto the dock.

“Did he give you something, signore?” the nearest man asked.

Marc brought the letter despite questioning the need for it. Other than the address on one side, the oddest detail was the smooth and consistent finish of the parchment. Even letters from le Roi are no match in quality.

Oui,” Marc answered in French before presenting the letter. “Here you go ”

Gondola traveling a narrow channel at night with a male passenger and boatman aboard. Clothes and setting appropriate to 16th century Venice

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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