Man of War – Excerpt No. 253

“Good evening, Monsieur,” Sussana said.

Marc blinked several times, realising that the music had stopped and this beauty in an exquisite ballroom gown stood before him. After several breaths he caught on that his jaw was hanging loosely. 

He gave his head a shake before snapping his mouth shut before. Marc adopted a smile while his eyes flowed over the Venetian beauty, the curl around his lips was natural, which was a rare sight.

“G-g-good evening,” Marc stuttered. He clenched his jaw as blood flushed through his cheeks. How he flubbed such a simple line certainly did not inspire confidence… unlike her voice

25 year old italian courtesan in an gown, with brown hair, brown eyes and olive skin standing opposing a black haired gentleman with a jaw hanging loosely. Setting and clothing appropriate for the 16th century Venice parlour.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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