Man of War – Excerpt No. 267

Since staying out in the open did him no favours, Marc had to restrict her avenues of advance. The next time she tapped him, he ran towards the corner. Seconds before slamming into the wall, he pivoted in the air and landed two paces away from the walls. To his left and right there were no signs of her, but when he took half-step back, there came the sound of crinkling fabric…

If not for the sound, he would have assumed that an amorous cat ran up against his leg. The Contessa was nowhere in sight, but something was missing from the equation… I can’t hear her breathing

In fact, the only sound clear in his mind was the crackling fire. As the hairs rose up along the back of his neck, there came a sharp sting at the tip of his right ear.

Cat rubbing his side against the leg of a French Lord. Setting and clothing appropriate for the 16th century Venice parlour at night.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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