As soon as the word ‘remember’ was uttered, imagery from last night flashed before his eyes. The invitation, the club, and every intimate detail about the Contessa.
“Didn’t I kick you?” Marc said.
He had no way of knowing how he was alive, and doubted that kick helped, but he could not help but himself… I may as well end life on my terms…
“Brave man,” Susanna said. “I could pick up where I left off…”
“Go ahead…”
In his mind he deserved no better fate. Any good Catholic recited a prayer upon hearing of his many violations of the Ten Commandments… I’m sure God is pleased that I’ve sent so many souls into his loving arms…

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
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