Man of War – Excerpt No. 90

The man took a few steps back, enough for the light of the moon to bring out the features of his face. He was good looking, dark hair, dark eyes, chiselled jaw and a powerful physique. The kitchen staff often gabbed about such men and their roguish appearance. Looks to be someone who works for a living.

That smile of his did the man no favours. It was a crooked smirk that fell upon his face as though it was his natural state of being. That was a trait he observed in some of the guards who reported directly to his Father.

What differed was the man’s stance. He wielded that sword as though it was a club. That detail implied this was not a seasoned soldier.

Dark woods with the moon in the sky make up the background. He was good looking, dark hair, dark eyes, chiselled jaw and a powerful physique. The kitchen staff often gabbed about such men and their roguish appearance. Looks to be someone who works for a living. It was a crooked smirk that fell upon his face as though it was his natural state of being. He wielded that sword as though it was a club.  Scene and clothes appropriate for 16th century France.

Disclaimer: This excerpt from Man of War is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.


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