“I love you,” Edith said as her thoughts faded back into reality.
“I’ve always known,” Angela replied. “How else could you summon me from beyond the grave to warn a friend?”
“I could have joined you that day,” Edith said. She took Angela’s hand and pressed it against her chest, “We could have been in each other’s arms far sooner.”
“It wasn’t your time,” Angela said just as reality began to reassert itself.
Angela giggled before she grabbed Edith by the hand, and dragged her through the park until they reached a series of steps.
“Why are you taking me here?” Edith asked.
Angela turned back for a moment, careful with her steps to avoid tripping and said, “I know you love it there.”
“Why would you think that?” Edith asked out of curiosity.
Angela did not say another word until they reached the top of the steps. From there, it opened up to an observation deck, where someone could see the mortal realm.
“I’ve seen you here before,” Angela said.
Edith looked around, and saw that they were alone. That in itself was not unusual, there was something to be said about seeing the world that contained both the beauty, and pain of life. It was simultaneously a reminder on how sweet the fruit of life had been, and that one would never again partake. Very few chose to go through that torment, although she often felt compelled to do so.
“I know that you come here,” Angela added.
“You’ve been following me?” Edith asked with a smile.
“Of course!” Angela exclaimed before she kissed her lovers cheek.
“Good girl,” Edith replied with reddened cheeks.
Edith did come here on a regular basis to stare down at the world. At first, she did not know what compelled her, but in time she came to understand the reasons. While Angela had been her first love, there were others who had awoken similar affections, including another hunter of great renown.
“Clara Grey was it?” Angela asked.
That name brought a smile to her lips, the mere mention of that name was like casting a spell that let loose, all those cherished memories. Edith would have gone through hell and back for her, and to this day had no clue what had happened to her.
“How—How did you—,” Edith tried to ask.
“Know?” Angela asked. “She was the one you summoned me to find. The one who saved your life that day.”
“I’m impressed,” Edith repeated with a grin.
Edith kissed Angela with such passion that her lover’s legs nearly gave out. For a moment, nothing else in existence mattered, save those lips. Oh how she longed to stop time, and make this moment last an eternity.
Alas even in this realm, time moved at a predictable rate. When she opened her eyes, Edith gazed inadvertently towards the mortal realm. There was a certain beauty to God’s creation, even though atrocities happened daily. That notion alone was enough to make someone wonder if free will had been a good idea.
At this moment, the North-American continent featured prominently. In her search for Clara, she would peer down through the clouds, searching for clues on her friend’s passage. Every attempt proved fruitless, Clara would have been over one-hundred-and-twenty years old by now. There was no chance that she was still alive at that age. Or was there?
Then from the Eastern seaboard, she witnessed a shockwave that expanded outward until it enveloped the Earth. The disturbance caught her eye, and broke from the kiss to focus on the event.
Confused, Edith said, “That’s odd.”
Disclaimer: This chapter is currently in development. There are likely typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. Please do not treat this as a polished and completed work!
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