Alpha Bots is a Science Fiction novel by Ava Lock that mixes action, comedy, and drama to create a story that resonates on many levels.

The story features an android who plays the role of a dutiful housewife. Through a series of unintended events, she breaks free from her programming, and that’s when things get crazy.
The prose is filled with rich detail, witty puns, and beautifully complex characters that will draw the reader in. Of note, there are frequent references to Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. I see Ava’s work as an homage to Fight Club, using it to add just enough flavour to liven things up.
If you are looking for a story that challenges you to question the ramifications of technology on society and does so using wit, pseudo code, and cleverly disguised science, then this book will not disappoint. While this novel has a satisfying ending, the sequel, Beta Bots, is out now!