Greek and Roman myths have been getting a lot of attention from writers of late. There exists a cornucopia of stories ranging from the re-telling of old myths to modern-day versions. Surprisingly, Pomegranate by Nicole Scarano does not conform to either ideology. Instead, it guides the reader down a path to the unknown.

Her main character, Hades, diverges heavily from the myths of old, and the expression “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” applies perfectly to this character and her story. The author uses politics, betrayal, discovery, ingenuity, and love to create a character who feels so real that I imagined Hades stepping out of the pages.
This complexity extends to the other characters as well, including some quirky and memorable interactions with creatures of myth. Nicole uses this to great effect, at times to bring about some levity after a buildup of tension or to use emotion to drive home the true impact of a scene.
The story was an easy read, filled with frequent natural stops that permit a reader to savour every word. I never felt bored while reading this story, ever curious about where it was leading me and if hell would break loose.
This book is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys Greek mythology but hungers for something different. The character driven saga will be sure to leave the reader thirsting for more.
Fortunately, the novel Pitchfork, Nicole‘s sequel to this book, is looming on the horizon. Be sure to remember your bribe for the ferryman to be granted safe passage on her latest tale.