Even Things That Go Bump in the Night Need a Place to Unwind
I have completed my fourteenth review of the Grand. This review resulted in a 42% decrease in corrections when compared to the thirteenth cycle. Ethereal Nights had the most substantial drop of 88%, while Penny Dreadful increased by the 400%. Overall, there were 45 corrections which averages 3 changes per chapter.
About half the chapters saw a drop in changes during this cycle. Of note, One Flight Over averaged of 4,452 words between corrections. Here is a summary for this cycle:
- There was a 42% drop in corrections when compared to revision thirteen;
- 45 modifications for the entire work;
- 3 modifications per chapter;
- Ethereal Nights had the most substantial drop at 88%;
- Penny Dreadful increased by 400%; and
- One Flight Over averaged 4,452 words between corrections.
These revision took far less time than revisions prior to seven and for the following reasons:
- It takes far less time to run through the material;
- There are far fewer errors to find with an average of 1,951 words between corrections. This improves on the 1,209 words per change seen in revision twelve and is the first above a thousand; and
- Changes implemented are minor in scope.
This is effectively makes this revision my last. I have handed the work over to a copy editor and will include those changes in what would be officially known as the fifteenth revision. Also, since revision zero was my first revision the grand total would be sixteen total revisions to get this novel ready!
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