“It’s obvious,” Sparky said, the third persona for Hecate.
This version was the goddess of magic. The nickname came from her powers and appearance. She glowed blue like a spark gap transmitter. This persona of Hecate was thinned skinned and when those eyes glowed blue that meant Sparky was on the verge of blowing up on whoever was the cause… Always talks as though she’s had way too much coffee…
“It’s easy to get lost in what might have been,” Silver said.
“Instead of looking at what you have,” Sparky said.
“Or realising you’re in bed with a creative, intelligent, and ruthless monster…” Clara said.
When the sisters did not reply, Clara smiled momentarily before falling back to sleep.

Disclaimer: This novel is an work in progress and readers may encounter grammatical errors and inconsistencies. Please view this a draft and not a published work.
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