Evelyn Reads Dead Festive

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dead Festive is a post mortal urban fantasy written by independent author Ross Young. This is the third book in the Gloomwood series and takes place shortly after the events of Get Ted Dead.

Dead Festive by Ross Young
Dead Festive by Ross Young

The story begins with someone stealing the Grim Reaper’s Bleakest Day baubles and in doing so points the finger at a group of demon refugees. Yet again, Detective Blunt is on the case. A man acclimatising to a world filled with the dead and forgotten gods, hopes, and creatures of myth.

Several characters are back in Dead Festive, and the reader will be rewarded with further insight into their quirky lives. The demons introduced in Get Ted Dead steal the show, as does the Grim Reaper himself, who plays a larger role overall. Young brings forth a creative yet dreary world, but gives it life through dry humour and wit that really makes his work shine.

Dead Festive is a fast-paced and humorous read that gives you another peak at Young‘s wonderfully creative world. Fans of the first two books will not be disappointed. Well worth a read!


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