Evelyn Reads The Backup Who Cried Wolf

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Backup Who Cried Wolf is a superhero fantasy novella written by independent author Kayla Hicks. This is the third book in The Backup Superhero series taking place a few months after the events of the first book.

Cover for The Backup Who Cried Wolf by Kayla Hicks
The Backup Who Cried Wolf by Kayla Hicks

This story focuses on Dwighter, a D Level superhero who saves the day by rescuing a truckload of people. However, as usual, gets none of the credit. While drowning his sorrows and the voices in his head, he overhears the name of a well-known crime lord.

This triggers a series of events that will put The Leave of Superheros, and the city itself in peril. Given his chequered past and propensity for heavy drinking, will anyone take him seriously?

The Backup Who Cried Wolf is a quick read filled with sarcasm and wit. This sheds light on the plight of the D Levels and puts the human element of being a superhero front and centre. Well worth the price of admission!


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