Evelyn Reads Wired

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I’ve recently had the pleasure of reading Wired by Caytlyn Brooke, a young adult science-fiction that deals with social media and addiction.

Wired by Caytlyn Brooke
Wired by Caytlyn Brooke

For me, reading this book felt like I was approaching a train wreck. From the distance, there is something but I’m unsure. The closer I get, the more apparent the devastation becomes. I simply cannot turn away from the scene, transfixed by the horror, and that is also true for this book.

In the beginning, I hoped that the main character would heed the close calls and steer away from the dangers of this technology. Alas, the synopsis and chapter titles only served to remind me that things would get worse, far worse.

How does it end? You’ll have to read to find out, and I highly recommend that you do. Just be aware that this book may have you look at your smartphone and associated social media feeds in a different way!


One response to “Evelyn Reads Wired”

  1. Sarah Katz avatar

    A great analysis! Social media is definitely taking its toll on the human psyche.

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