The End of the Eleventh Cycle

Even Things That Go Bump in the Night Need a Place to Unwind

I have completed my eleventh review of the Grand. This review resulted in a 13% decrease in corrections when compared to the tenth cycle. One Small Step had the most substantial drop of 40%, while Journey Through the River of Belief had a 29% increase. Overall, there were 151 corrections and gives us an average of 9 changes per chapter.

About 56% of the chapters saw a drop in changes during this cycle.  Penny Dreadful is the first chapter to have an average of 1,073 words between corrections.

Here is a summary of the cycle:

  • There was a 13% drop in corrections when compared to revision ten;
  • 151 modifications for the entire work;
  • 9 modifications per chapter;
  • One Small Step had the most substantial drop at 40%; and
  • Journey Through the River of Belief had a 29% increase in changes.

These revision took far less time than revisions prior to seven and for the following reasons:

  • It takes far less time to run through the material;
  • There are far fewer errors to find with an average of 520 words between corrections. This improves on the 432 words per change seen in revision nine; and
  • Changes implemented are minor in scope.

I expect to keep pushing through these revisions until the total amount of corrections drop well below 25 for the manuscript. Since there was no change from the previous revision, I expect there are 1 to 3 revisions left.


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