Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
Remembering her lessons, Anna popped out from behind the cover with both hands on the pistol. She lined up her sights, and paused. This target was not an oversized raft, she was about to engage a living, breathing… human? — Are they even a threat? Can I live with it?#AmEditing
— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 19, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
While it was good news that solid ground at hand, the feminine form that kept her at bay was worrisome. The interaction between this potential imaginary construct, and the environment unnerved her, violating all she knew about the fog. — It has a mind of its own.#AmEditing
— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 19, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
“I’m just a faded memory of what once was, some might argue that I belong in a… museum. You’re the closest thing to a human that I’ve come across in centuries.”
“So why help me?” Anna asked.
“Compassion remains one of our biggest strengths,” Evelyn said.#AmEditing #WritersCafe— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 19, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
“Power lines,” Evelyn said.
To Anna a dead tree was a dead tree, especially after centuries of exposure. They looked like a dark stain on the scenery, as though they had been scorched by a vengeful god. — How would anyone know unless they lived through it?#AmEditing #WritersCafe— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 18, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
“This will help you—” Evelyn said.
“Me?” Anna asked.
“Yes, you!” Evelyn teased. “If we get separated, you’ll need to get there.”
“Separated?” Anna asked.
“Well… shit happens,” Evelyn said after shrugging. “Do you know how to read a map?”
“Uhhhh,” Anna said, “…yes?”#AmEditing— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 18, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
During the whole of her life, Anna had never gazed upon the sky. Sure, she had been living underwater, but just above those waves the fog held dominion over the world. It was impossible to fathom the vastness, let alone prepare for the beauty of a clear sky at night. #AmEditing
— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 15, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
The thing howled, and slammed its head into the doorframe. Anna was aghast when the cinderblock crumbled to dust. Despite the infrasound, the beast entered the bay. It was at least twice as tall as the doorway when standing and was nothing but muscles, fur, and teeth.#AmEditing
— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 14, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
“Plane?” Anna guessed.
“Very good,” Evelyn said excitedly.
“It works?” Anna asked.
Anna found it hard to believe anything that old could still defy gravity. Although, she did admit that this plane looked to be in good shape. — Wait! Who am I to judge?#AmEditing #WritingCommunity— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 14, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.
That statement got Anna’s attention. Whatever she proposed, had to involve a different mode of transportation. However, if it were not over land or water, what options were there? Anna could not imagine how traveling underwater would be faster.
“…submarine?” #AmEditing
— Evelyn Chartres (@EvelynChartres) December 14, 2020
Disclaimer: This excerpt is currently in development. There may be typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth.