The Star Gatherers is a dystopian science fiction novel written by independent author Anya Pavelle. This novel is a sequel to The Moon Hunters, and takes place shortly after a young island couple is rescued at sea.
Focused on Leilani’s perspective, The Star Gatherers brings back many familiar faces. We are introduced to Leilani and Jenay acclimatising to the modern world, who are forced back to the island when a team sent to provide aid is kidnapped.
Like its predecessor, the island and world that Pavelle weaved is as beautiful as it is unique. The characters come to life in these pages, and bring their motivations to the forefront. Anya Pavelle showcases beautifully the clash of culture resulting from crews interacting with islanders isolated from the world for decades.
The Star Gatherers is a quick action-packed read that will keep you guessing until the very end. Fans of The Moon Hunters will not be disappointed. I highly recommend giving this book a read!