• Cause and Effect – Part I

    “Sorry I’m late!” Mason exclaimed.

    He walked into the lab, and came face to face with a world that was sterile by design. Everything in this room, including the walls were a bright white with no style or flare of any kind. To most, this room would have evoked images of an early twentieth-century sanitorium. For him, this room had all of the comforts of home.

    The Van Helsing Resurgence - Saturday Scenes

    Located within the depths of an office high-rise, this lab was invisible to those who worked and visited this building. The illusion that protected the access to the inner sanctum, was simple and effective. It took a very powerful mind to see past the deception, although that was only the first level of defence.

    “About time you showed up,” Brett said.

    Brett was physically perfect, they all were, because that had been the goal of their genetically designed appearances. Each of them could have walked off the pages of a glamour magazine; Brett a blonde Adonis, Breanna an Irish lass, and Mason the embodiment of Casanova.

    “We got an indication on a divergent event that will swing the balance of power our way,” Breanna said.

    “What are we looking at?” Mason asked.

    “The odds are better than a-million-to-one chance that this divergence will result in a step back,” Breanna said.

    “Seems too good to be true,” Mason said. “So how did we come across this gem?”

    Brett typed away on his desktop angled at a forty-five degree angle. It resembled a drafting table, and was devoid of any content except for the virtual user interface overlaid onto the surface. From this console, he could interface with any system linked to their network.

    “Picked it up an hour ago,” Brett replied. “This one was big enough to trigger every sensor we have. The strongest signals were from our listening stations near here, but sensors in Australia also registered it.”

    “Impressive,” Mason said.

    “No kidding,” Breanna quipped.

    There was excitement that permeated the air, it felt like a current was flowing between them. No one said it, and to do so would be tempting fate, but this might be their chance to get off of this primordial ooze covered rock.

    “How long have I been here?” Mason wondered.

    He had memories of the steam age and Pax Britannia, but little else prior to that. Still, that meant he had been on this backwater planet more than a century. They had been busy manipulating world events, or influencing key players to their benefit. All the while, they posed as a neutral party, one who sold technology to both sides of the conflict.

    Every attempt made to shift things in the favour triggered an opposing force that returned the system to an equilibrium. They were responsible for plunging Europe into a continental war, all in an effort to weaken the vampire’s power base. Instead, they watched as their corruption spread westward into North America, which created an even stronger power base.

    The activation of a gate into the Hunters’ stronghold, followed by an attack, only magnified the zealotry of those left behind. They never got the all-out war they hoped for, since the bulk of the hunters remained within the confines of the Tower. Meanwhile one of their best managed to destroy an influential vampire, which struck a serious blow to several projects their group favoured.

    That time they had a-thousand-to-one odds in favour of changing balance to favour the Georgians. That had been seen as more than favourable odds, but this? Was this even possible?

    “Georgians,” Mason said absentmindedly. “What an awful choice of name for our kind.”

    “What was that?” Breanna asked.

    Mason’s glassy stare ended with a quick shake of his head. He desperately wanted to return to his normal form, have his cybernetic implants returned, and be linked once more to the hives group consciousness. Alas the presence of such implants were not only incompatible with their physiology, they would also raise some uncomfortable questions if discovered here.

    “What?” Mason asked. “Nothing. So what’s going on that could bring about such a dramatic shift?”

    Brett’s fingers glided over the interface with ease. Every button and available option had been committed to memory long ago. The user had an intimacy with the interface that only existed between a creation and its maker.

    “Look here,” Brett said.

    They collectively looked up at the wall connected to the desk. The surface broke up into millions of tiny colour-shifting squares that moved independently from the whole to display a three dimensional image. In this case, the moment rendered had yet to occur.

    Mason looked over every detail of the scene, but did not understand how any of this would alter world events in their favour. This scene was more deserving of a soap opera than a chapter in the history books.

    There were three people visible, only one of which was human. The display included a series of overlays, which included a biometrics associated for each individual, and only one registered a body temperature above ambient.

    The human sported short blonde hair cut into a fashionable bob. Her pale blue eyes, sharp features and feminine nose would have made her attractive, if not for that mousey demeanour, and physical exhaustion. This was all part of the ritual he supposed, since Breanna had not briefed him otherwise, or bothered to explain why the woman’s clothes hung loosely from her frame.

    The young girl was a real knockout, what with those piercing green eyes, shoulder length dark hair, and a body better suited to world class runway models. She had lips that beckoned and a smile that promised so much.

    The man was harder to make out, dark hair and dark eyes enabled him to melt into the shadows. While short in stature, he was built like the strong men of old. Mason identified this one as an ancient specimen of their kind, and yet had no trouble letting his partner take the lead.

    Mason and his kind had seen this place before. The altar and the pit filled with an endless supply of blood.

    “Wait. Is that the Icon of Sin?” Brett asked with a snicker.

    Breanna slapped the back of Brett’s head before responding, “Why do you keep bringing up that video game references when we get footage of this site?”

    “Hey!” Brett exclaimed. “I loved that game, besides the name fits.”

    In a way it did, this hall of worship featured a pedestal, and icons that celebrated the cruellest of despots, psychopaths, and murderers. This was a holy site where their kind practised some of their darkest rituals.

    “Situation?” Mason asked, since it was time to get things on track.

    Breanna looked away from the display and took a seat at her own workstation. At first, she appeared to be absorbing a great deal of information, but soon commented on the situation.

    “Initiation ceremony,” Breanna said. “The brunette, Evelyn has been manipulating that blonde since early childhood.”

    “To what end?” Mason asked genuinely curious, because it was rare for their kind to toy with their food for so long.

    “Evelyn made sure to keep this child away from anything that could spoil her innocence,” Breanna replied.

    “Woman looks to be in her late twenties. How could she—,” Mason was about to ask.

    “Still a virgin,” Breanna said flatly. “Recent events led her to quit her job and start writing a story that centred on Evelyn’s life… a bit of a mind fuck ensued to prepare her… her parents were killed to start the process… Wait! Fascinating!”

    “What?” the men asked.

    “A herald,” Breanna said.

    “I don’t follow,” Mason said.

    “The predictive algorithms are still forming the narrative,” Breanna said. “But if this divergent path is strengthened. Then Victoria, the blonde, will chronicle the systematic eradication of vampires.”

    “How would her being turned lead to their extinction?” Mason queried.

    “The company her parents founded are heavily invested in the government’s military industrial complex,” Breanna replied. “Her disappearance has been noticed and will trigger an investigation to determine her whereabouts. This leads to a SWAT team being decimated in an attempt to save her, which in turn, exposes their kind’s existence to the general public.”

    Once they realised how this divergent path panned out, the current that flowed amongst them increased exponentially. Their hopes rose, and despite years of experience telling them to temper their expectations, they all cracked a smile.

    “What’s the primary path?” Mason asked.

    Brett turned around and beamed a smile before saying, “Just enough of that scenario has solidified to show you.”

    Disclaimer: This chapter is currently in development. There are likely typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. Please do not treat this as a polished and completed work!

  • Cinnamon Swirl Cake with a Cream Cheese Icing

    A cake that is infused with cinnamon and a brown sugar swirl. When served with cream cheese, this is nothing less than the embodiment of a cinnamon bun cake! Yummy!


  • Omega

    Incense hung in the air, the burned particles irritated her nose, and the smell grew more pronounced as Victoria came to. There was something peculiar about this odour; something that made her think of death and decay. In fact, the link was so strong, that it evoked images of an ancient crypt hidden away under a city forgotten by time.

    The Van Helsing Resurgence - Saturday Scenes

    She struggled to open her eyes, as though they were glued together. Was this just a case of fatigue? How long had she been unconscious? Was she even alive? Perhaps this was a dream? No, this felt far too real. Besides people rarely experienced pain or discomfort in dreams.

    Something brushed up against her lips, it was cool at first, like water trickling out from a frozen waterfall. Victoria struggled to open her eyes, but saw nothing more than an impenetrable darkness that filled her with dread. This sensation of cold spread, pushed past her numbed lips then probed the inside of her mouth. She considered biting down, but feared there would be repercussions.

    Only when the tongue withdrew, did Victoria gasp for air, and found her sight restored. The images that flashed before her eyes were blurred at first, confined to a world that moved with a mind of its own. Her sight eventually settled, but what she saw only confirmed her fears; this was in fact, not a dream.

    Before her stood Evelyn, her character, her inspiration, and role model. This time, she was dressed in a long flowing gown of white satin. Her face was adorned by a warm smile, and there were locks of long flowing hair that hung around her shoulders. This complemented Victoria’s image of an idyllic angelic figure, and was without a doubt, the same woman she met on that beach twenty years ago.

    This was the woman who blessed her as a child, using some sort of prayer. Was that the reason why their minds were linked? Did that mark the moment when Evelyn established a connection between them? Did this imply that Victoria had been nothing more than a bit player in Evelyn’s play?

    Evelyn licked her lips as though relishing the echoes of that kiss, and said, “Welcome to the world of the living ma chère. Have you gotten your affairs in order? Indulged in your last meal perhaps?”

    Her characters musical highlights in her voice were so familiar. It was eerie how much she knew this person, in spite of this being the first time they ever spoke.

    Victoria did not say a word. She was far too lethargic to formulate a proper answer.

    “Is there a proper response?” Victoria whispered.

    She knew that either decision would end in death, only the method of her death would differ. Would her death be quick and merciless, or would her character’s sadistic nature come to the surface?

    Evelyn’s smile changed, one that stripped away her angelic traits, and replaced them with a cruel harshness. Her character was truly skilled at human emotions, an expert on how to leverage them against others. How else could she convey so much based on the shape of her smile? Would Victoria be able to manipulate others just as easily?

    Before the question was answered, Victoria found herself being dragged from the altar. The world swirled nauseatingly as vertigo muddled her mind. Would she have the strength to stop herself from vomiting all over the floor?

    Once the world settled, Victoria noticed the pool of dark liquid. The surface was so dark, that it reflected back her image. Tired and weak, Victoria lost her balance, dropped to her knees, and instantly became mesmerised over the reflection. She seemed to be looking at an ideal version of herself, one immune to the ravages of time. Did she ever have such a youthful glow about her?

    Victoria reached for her chest, to check for a heartbeat, and sighed once the familiar rhythm registered. She was still alive, and yet her reflection implied that she had already crossed the threshold between life and death.

    “How can my reflection seem that much more confident and full of life,” Victoria muttered to herself while the shadow of death approached.

    As it had been with the Apostle Thomas, doubt reigned supreme in her mind. How was it possible to reflect back an image that differed from reality? At a snail’s pace, Victoria probed her face, seeking those familiar features, and was soon astounded by the gravity of the changes. Her cheeks were sunken, features sharper, with noticeably unhealthy skin. When was the last time she had a bite to heat?

    “It has been a week love,” Evelyn said, knowing that in Victoria’s current state, the full depth of those words would have no effect.

    Victoria turned around to look upon her character, her eyes brimming with fear. She then turned back to look into the radiant pool, and noticed an unnatural red hue surrounding her reflection.

    “Blood,” Victoria stuttered out as her reflection winked back in response.

    Why was her doppelgänger mocking her? The same way that her parents would when she did something innocent or amusing. The kind of mocking that was invariably accompanied by that dreadful laugh which simultaneously managed to dismiss and ridicule the child. Innocence? Once more that concept was brought to the surface. Was this an element her character sought? To what end? To destroy in another, what had been denied in life?

    “We are perversions of life, we exist counter to what the Church and the laws of science dictate. We are the embodiment of those who turned away from the light of God in exchange for perpetual existence,” Evelyn rhymed off as though in a prayer.

    Evelyn circled around the pool, and despite her light step, the motion nonetheless caused the pool to ripple. For a moment, her taunting reflection was disrupted, which gave Victoria a few moments of peace.

    Evelyn soon broke out into a fit of laughter and added, “I’m just fucking with you. That was way too melodramatic!”

    She approached the altar then grabbed the chalice upon it. Evelyn then lifted it to the full extension of her arms while staring up at the stained glass works above. After the imp uttered some sort of incantation, she brought the chalice to her lips and drank greedily, permitting any excess to spill onto the gown.

    With Evelyn’s satin robe stained in blood, she licked her lips then tossed the chalice aside. Now that her little spectacle was done and over with, she looked over to Victoria, the one who would soon be joining her in the afterlife. While Victoria was being judged, anxiety swelled from within, just like those awaiting the Emperor’s thumb.

    In the back of her mind, Victoria wondered if her character had a change of heart. Uncertainty would reign supreme until the end, never knowing if she were destined to live, or suffer at the hands of her executioner.

    Evelyn was attuned to Victoria’s mind, and had not been surprised about the growing conflict within. Not only had she been the source of that woman’s inspiration for the better part of her life, but Evelyn also had a view to the thoughts, and emotions that most kept bottled up inside.

    “Are you having a change of faith ma chère?” Evelyn asked.

    Victoria looked up, bewildered that this question had come up. Was she being tossed a life line? How foolish would it be to even consider it? Let alone acknowledge it?

    “I am not sure,” Victoria said in such a way that every single word uttered became a self-contained sentence.

    “The door is right behind me,” Evelyn said nonchalantly. “Only you can decide how to live your life.”

    Victoria’s eyes widened upon hearing those words, and that did much to betray her state of mind. As a glow of hope began to rise, her character rendered her verdict.

    The imp leaned in closer, so close that the cool breeze from her whisper sent shiver running down Victoria’s spine. In that moment, she believed there was a path to freedom, one that led away from this crazy woman.

    “Crazy?” Evelyn asked.

    Before Victoria could say another word, Evelyn grabbed the woman’s throat, and with one brutal motion tore it away from her neck. A streak of blood followed, which covered the immaculate floor in a splatter of crimson.

    “A shame,” Evelyn added before she licked the fresh blood from Victoria’s windpipe. “In the end, you turned out to be such a disappointment.”

    At first, Victoria was unsure of what happened. Her body and mind were so disjointed from the prolonged trauma that this fresh wound did not immediately register. At first she felt moisture against her skin, but before she was able to investigate the source, Victoria was greeted by sweet oblivion.

    “All that time and effort you put into that girl,” Marc commented from the shadows.

    Evelyn was tempted to betray her composure and lash out. However, that would be tantamount to her confirming that her sire was right.

    Instead, she glided over to her man, her every step a display of sensuality, she then folded into him as though they were one. The movement was fluid, sensual, and capable of evoking an emotional response in nearly everyone, well except for this lone specimen. Either way, she did not care, with all the grace of a lady, she slipped out two wedding bands from her pocket.

    These rings were unique, a pair that represented night and day, and commissioned to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary of Victoria’s parents. Without it a second look, she crushed them with her bare hands, and tossed them onto Victoria’s corpse. By now, the author’s skin was pale, her eyes glassy, while what was left of her blood flowed gingerly into the pool.

    Disclaimer: This chapter is currently in development. There are likely typos, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and so forth. Please do not treat this as a polished and completed work!

  • Positive Reviews for The Van Helsing Paradox in May 2019

    The #IndieApril movement on Twitter was a boon for independent authors, and this trend seems to have spilled into May.  Overall, a good month for reviews for my latest dark fantasy release, The Van Helsing Paradox. In all, I caught six reviews on Amazon.com, and for your convenience they are included below:

    Fast-paced, intriguing, and I love Clara as a protagonist.

    Five-Star - A fantastic read! - I really, really enjoyed The Van Helsing Paradox! Fast-faced, intriguing, and I love Clara as a protagonist. Appreciate the slang glossary too, nice touch!
    Five-Star – 6 May 19 – A fantastic read!

    I’d recommend reading, especially to those who love a good femme fatale or noir story!

    Four-Star - Well written with a great plot -I enjoyed reading The Van Helsing Paradox. It was very well written and the plot kept me interested throughout. I wish there was a bit more background on the order Clara had joined as there were parts of the book that confused me a bit until later on. I’d recommend reading, especially to those who love a good femme fatale or noir story!
    Four-Star – 6 May 19 – Well written with a great plot

    An exciting tale packed with adventure and interesting characters…

    Five-Star - Supernatural thrills and a feisty heroine! - Clara is a hunter of supernatural creatures for a mysterious organisation. Set mainly in the 1910s to 1920s, this is an exciting tale packed with adventure and interesting characters, especially young Clara. I would recommend this to any lovers of fantasy and strong female characters!
    Five-Star – 22 May 19 – Supernatural thrills and a feisty heroine!

    Entertaining and delightful and I look forward to reading more by this author

    5-Stars - Entertaining and delightful story - The Van Helsing Paradox follows the story of Clara Grey, from a young girl into a grown woman as learns about the monsters of the world and how to kill them. Through it all her faith in God as well as herself is tested. I found the story to be entertaining and delightful and I look forward to reading more by this author.
    5-Stars – 23 May 19 – Entertaining and delightful story

    This is a very creative, well thought out story

    4-Stars - The Van Helsing Paradox, A Review - This is a very creative, well thought out story. The author has captured the flavour of the time well. It must have taken a lot of research, as the descriptions of people and places are almost like you're there. But there were parts of the story where the author seemed to leave out explanations of what was happening. Other than that, an interesting story with a great main character.
    4-Stars – 23 May 19 – The Van Helsing Paradox, A Review

    If you enjoy vampire tales, Indiana Jones, detective mysteries and all of that with a slice of horror, this book’s for you.

    4-Stars - Horror meets Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones - With a strong female lead, The Van Helsing Paradox is a complex and detailed read in which the character investigates and fights against paranormal activity on Earth in the early part of the 20th Century. I enjoyed the story, despite being a little confused about genre and the flow of events. I am enthusiastic about picking up the next book to continue to follow Clara on her adventures, and also to see if any of the characters that make cameos, such as Evelyn, return. If you enjoy vampire tales, Indiana Jones, detective mysteries and all of that with a slice of horror, this book’s for you.
    4-Stars – 27 May 19 – Horror meets Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones

    Of note, two of the reviews were removed from Amazon.com. The reasons for which are unknown, and only found out when making this post, because my screen captures of reviews found, did not match what exists on the site now. Either way, I can’t complain. These are unsolicited and positive reviews, what more can a writer ask for?

  • The Van Helsing Paradox Updated on Wattpad

    For those interested in reading my content on Wattpad, I’ve updated my latest dark fantasy tale, The Van Helsing Paradox, to match the print version! Are you curious about a femme fatale flapper who hunts things that go bump in the night? Why not try it now!

    The Van Helsing Paradox by Evelyn Chartres

    As an added feature, this specific release also features dates at the top of every chapter. It’s my hope that it will enable readers to get better situated! 😉

  • The Van Helsing Resurgence on Wattpad for Wattys2019

    After a bit of encouragement, I’ve decided to make a few chapters from my latest dark fantasy manuscript, The Van Helsing Resurgence, available early on Wattpad! I’ve also submitted it for consideration in the 2019 Wattys. So let’s see how that turns out?

    The Van Helsing Resurgence by Evelyn Chartres

    This story takes off where The Van Helsing Paradox leaves off. A world where space and time has been shattered by a group of scientists, in the hopes of altering the course of history. Clara and an echo from her past are sent to Earth to investigate the case of a soul being corrupted against its will.

    Before you read, be sure to remember, that while the Roaring Twenties are long gone, a heroine’s work is never done.

    Clara is back!

  • Quinn W. Buckland’s Review of The Grand

    Yay! Quinn W. Buckland, author of The Engine What Runs the World, has completed a review of my second book, The Grand. It is an honest review, that highlights a few avoidable spoilers. It also delves into topics like story, character development, originality and the end! Best of all? He loved the ending!

    Thank you so much for the 8.5 out of 10 score! Please take the time to watch his review and subscribe to his channel. Hopefully there will be more!

  • Evelyn Reads Wired

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    I’ve recently had the pleasure of reading Wired by Caytlyn Brooke, a young adult science-fiction that deals with social media and addiction.

    Wired by Caytlyn Brooke
    Wired by Caytlyn Brooke

    For me, reading this book felt like I was approaching a train wreck. From the distance, there is something but I’m unsure. The closer I get, the more apparent the devastation becomes. I simply cannot turn away from the scene, transfixed by the horror, and that is also true for this book.

    In the beginning, I hoped that the main character would heed the close calls and steer away from the dangers of this technology. Alas, the synopsis and chapter titles only served to remind me that things would get worse, far worse.

    How does it end? You’ll have to read to find out, and I highly recommend that you do. Just be aware that this book may have you look at your smartphone and associated social media feeds in a different way!

  • Gâteau Éponge

    Gâteau Éponge

    This cake recipe is my mother’s favourite passed down for generations. A recipe for a white cake that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Can be baked using a bundt pan (as shown) or using two cake pans. Quick and easy to make,  and is sure to please.



  • #IndieApril Has Been a Boon For the Van Helsing Paradox

    The #IndieApril hashtag came into being on Twitter this year, and has proven to be a boon for indie authors like myself! Not only could we advertise our books more often, it also reached a greater number potential readers. So what does that mean for an author who gives their work away? Well for other than roughly one-hundred purchases in the month, four times the norm, and translated to a jump in reviews!

    Overall, I managed to wrangle up five new reviews under Amazon.com this month. These were also unsolicited, well written, and positive!

    For the curious, the reviews are below:

    This novel features what I crave the most out of a story: a main character whom I love to follow!

    Mighty Tid - 5 Stars - Clara Grey: An intelligent action heroine I love to read! - April 13, 2019 - "Whoever said that getting there was half the fun, had never travelled with a nun hell-bent on getting there." This line is only one of many which illustrate the fun writing style Evelyn Chartres uses in telling the story of The Van Helsing Paradox. This novel features what I crave the most out of a story: a main character whom I love to follow! Clara Grey, the protagonist of the tale is innovative, snarky, both respects and defies authority, and knows how to pay attention to the world around her and use that knowledge to her advantage. The Van Helsing Paradox features more than just a scrappy fun main character: it delves in vampires, religion, and nefarious villains with unwholesome plans that need to be stopped. And it all centers on Clara from child to adulthood, an intelligent action heroine who at the same time is relatable as a person. I was immediately hooked by the end of the very first paragraph, when Clara as a child wakes with a need to go use the outhouse, and has to do her best in hand me down clothing too big for her. It's these kinds of details that help bring the story to life. I would have liked to see some details expanded which were only quickly mentioned in the story. For example, Clara's mischief in school is barely touched upon, and I'd like to learn more about the mysterious people who created her base of operations called The Tower. But Ms. Chartres's storytelling weaves the ongoing tale in a way that makes these questions simply a case of "leaving the audience wanting more" in the best possible way. Beyond the story itself, the book also showcases a wonderful immersion into the timeframe of the story. The narrative goes deep enough that Ms. Chartres has even provided a glossary in the back to help understand some of the dated terms. Barneymugging has become my new favorite word! I enjoyed and highly recommend the Van Helsing Paradox, and I look forward to exploring more of the fantastic stories Evelyn Chartres has available.
    Clara Grey: An intelligent action heroine I love to read!- 4 Stars – Mighty Tid

    I had no trouble dropping into this word and enjoying the ride.

    Reader Who Hikes - 4 Stars - A Fun Read - April 15, 2019 - This book made me laugh out loud a few times and was a good match for my downtime. I had no trouble dropping into this word and enjoying the ride.
    A Fun Read – 4 Stars – Reader Who Hikes

    Clara, the main character, will be a favorite if you like the intellectual type of heroin that’s always ahead of the game.

    Samantha Kroese - 4 stars - Entertaining tale if you enjoy stories about monster hunters! - April 24, 2019 - This is a pretty solid story. Clara, the main character, will be a favorite if you like the intellectual type of heroin that's always ahead of the game. Definitely worth a chance if you enjoy the monster hunter thing.
    Entertaining tale if you enjoy stories about monster hunters! – 4 stars – Samantha Kroese

    Clara isn’t ordinary and it’s clear at a young age, she can kick undead arse.

    Nick Braker - 5 stars - Ghouls and undead monsters abound! - April 26, 2019 - Clara isn't ordinary and it's clear at a young age, she can kick undead arse. I enjoyed the story and the gory details of her maturation to adulthood. The priests and nuns play a very cool part in the story and it gets revealed slowly that most of them aren't as bad as Clara thought. Sister Maria, for example. Evelyn, you knocked it out of the park! More please. Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase Clara isn't ordinary and it's clear at a young age, she can kick undead arse. I enjoyed the story and the gory details of her maturation to adulthood. The priests and nuns play a very cool part in the story and it gets revealed slowly that most of them aren't as bad as Clara thought. Sister Maria, for example. Evelyn, you knocked it out of the park! More please.
    Ghouls and undead monsters abound! – 5 Stars – Nick Braker

    In any case, it’s an interesting read with several intriguing scenes and thoughts as well as what is revealed to be The Van Helsing Paradox itself

    Sahreth 'Baphy' Bowden - 4 Stars - Interesting Theory of Static Individuals... - April 28, 2019 - The story is very intelligently written in the sense of vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar and while the overall plot is good, I would approach reading the book from a philosophical state of mind rather than that of a general story-telling. Clara is a static character who never truly changes throughout the course of her existence. I believe this was purposeful in order to properly deliver what seemed to be the driving message of the story, however the lack of emotion portrayed in the story left it feeling somewhat dry. The beginning and ending are both excellent, but I feel the story's impact would have been greater if the middle had been shortened. In any case, it's an interesting read with several intriguing scenes and thoughts as well as what is revealed to be "The Van Helsing Paradox" itself.
    Interesting Theory of Static Individuals… – 4 Stars – Sahreth ‘Baphy’ Bowden

    I am sure this trend will not continue beyond April 2019. Still, this was an interesting experiment to see unfold and remain curious to see if this phenomenon will be repeated next year.
