Category: Evelyn Reads

  • Evelyn Read’s The Curse of Sight

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    The Curse of Sight by Kima Blaze which is a sequel to her earlier work, Curse of a Name.

    The first book in the series has a very gothic feel. The story is based around a family estate house with a dark past. It challenged the reader to question whether the characters were insane or cursed. Despite this story taking place in modern times, it harkened back to the days of classic horror.

    The Curse of Sight by Kima Blaze
    The Curse of Sight by Kima Blaze

    The sequel takes off exactly where the first book ended. What changes in this book is the uncertainty of the world surrounding the characters. At this point, the reader is well aware of the supernatural, but has only dipped their toes in Kima Blaze‘s world.

    This book dives into the author’s expanded universe, bringing more depth to established elements such as witches and shamans which had been only touched on previously. The ghosts tethered to Elizabeth are also back, giving more life to these haunted souls who died tragic deaths.

    This is a story worth reading, especially if you liked the first in the series. You’ll get to see more of this world as well as hints of what is to come. The characters feel real and human, and their choices will lead to unexpected consequences.

    This tale, however, does not have a satisfying ending like its predecessor did. To find out what happens, you’ll need to wait for the third book in the series. I can’t wait!

  • Evelyn Reads the Adventures of Kirk Rogers – Inside the Moon

    Rating: 5 out of 5.

    There are times when you need to challenge your mind: perhaps a whodunit that keeps you in the dark until the last page or a character driven drama that leaves the reader teary eyed. The Adventures of Kirk Rogers – Inside the Moon by C.J. Boyle is not one of those books and will instead delight the reader and bring a smile to one’s face.

    The Adventures of Kirk Rogers – Inside the Moon by C.J. Boyle
    The Adventures of Kirk Rogers – Inside the Moon by C.J. Boyle

    This story was reminiscent of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. It is a light hearted read mixed with colourful characters, easter eggs, and geek humour that is sure to tickle your funny bone. True to form, this science fiction saga would play well as a radio show, television series, or even a movie… minus the sexy aspects, of course.

    While the first in a series, The Adventures of Kirk Rogers – Inside the Moon has a satisfying ending that includes  a hint of what is to come. This quick read will draw you in, immerse you into the author’s beautifully weaved world, and will leave you begging for more. Fortunately, there are two more books left in the series with a fourth on the way!

  • Evelyn Reads The Inevitable Fate of E & J

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    Love has often been portrayed as a powerful force, capable of creating unimaginable beauty, or able to change the course of history itself. When dealing with such power, one may wonder if love could even transcend death. Could a pair of starstruck lovers be reunited in another life? What about the mechanics? Would there be strings attached? The Inevitable Fate of E & J by Johanna L. Randle aims to address these questions.

    Inevitable Fate of E & J by Johanna L. Randle

    This book is presented in first person form and is focused on two teenaged characters. There is a complex history between the two, nuanced by a tragedy that occurred outside of their control and a friendship that appeared to be destined to be unbreakable. Neither character is perfect. They are forced to deal with their insecurities, their place in the social strata, and the tempest of emotions many experience while going through high school. It is these flaws that make the characters seem… so human… so real.

    This book is a quick read, with chapters that split the story into bite-sized pieces for those of us who cannot dedicate large blocks of time to reading. Changes in point of view are clearly indicated at the start of a chapter enabling a reader to follow along with ease. There is also an historical component to this story which is woven beautifully into the chapters themselves in the form of dreams, flashbacks, and hallucinations.

    Johanna has done a beautiful job of bringing this story to life. This character driven tale is sure to please, and will leave you yearning for more as you wait for the next book of the series!

  • Evelyn Reads Pomegranate

    Rating: 5 out of 5.

    Greek and Roman myths have been getting a lot of attention from writers of late. There exists a cornucopia of stories ranging from the re-telling of old myths to modern-day versions. Surprisingly, Pomegranate by Nicole Scarano does not conform to either ideology. Instead, it guides the reader down a path to the unknown.

    Pomegranate by Nicole Scarano

    Her main character, Hades, diverges heavily from the myths of old, and the expression “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” applies perfectly to this character and her story. The author uses politics, betrayal, discovery, ingenuity, and love to create a character who feels so real that I imagined Hades stepping out of the pages.

    This complexity extends to the other characters as well, including some quirky and memorable interactions with creatures of myth. Nicole uses this to great effect, at times to bring about some levity after a buildup of tension or to use emotion to drive home the true impact of a scene.

    The story was an easy read, filled with frequent natural stops that permit a reader to savour every word. I never felt bored while reading this story, ever curious about where it was leading me and if hell would break loose.

    This book is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys Greek mythology but hungers for something different. The character driven saga will be sure to leave the reader thirsting for more.

    Fortunately, the novel Pitchfork, Nicole‘s sequel to this book, is looming on the horizon. Be sure to remember your bribe for the ferryman to be granted safe passage on her latest tale.

  • Evelyn Reads Werewolf Nights

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    Mari Hamill brings to life a unique world where werewolves and hunters are ingrained into the fabric of the culture. In Werewolf Nights, not only is there a fresh take on werewolf lore, but the town, stores and even the local university pay homage to their namesakes.

    Werewolf Nights by Mari Hamill

    The story starts off with an apparently innocuous outing. Catherine Mercy, a femme fatale who had to deal with the disappearances of the only two men she ever loved, goes out on a date. So what could possibly go wrong? In a place where everyone knows your name and rumours travel faster than light, the opportunity for mischief rises exponentially!

    While the cast is varied, the story is mostly focused on the main character, Catherine Mercy. Her tragic past, kind nature, creativity, and ultimately, her ability to face challenges head-on endear the reader. I would devour more stories from this author simply to watch Catherine in action!

    Werewolf Nights is a fast-paced, light read that flawlessly combines fantasy, action and romance into one comprehensive tale. If you are hunting for a story that has the feel of a telenovela with a hint of Dark Shadows, with werewolves instead of vampires, then this book is for you!

  • Evelyn Reads Timepiece

    Barbara Avon has a penchant for historical settings and makes use of era-specific nuances to add some spice to her worlds. Timepiece is no exception, introducing a clever plot device in the form of a faustian purchase that keeps perfect time… at least when one is not leaping through it.

    Rating: 5 out of 5.
    Timepiece by Barbara Avon

    Timepiece is foremost a character-driven love story, and the author shows her talent by rendering multiple iconic time periods for her characters to interact with. The slang, clothing, and mannerisms all change to accommodate the era and give every period an authentic feel. It is an aspect of this story that I enjoyed.

    Of note, there are Easter eggs for those who have read Barbara‘s previous works. Alas, any mention of Clara or The Grand in this work of fiction is purely coincidental!

    I thoroughly loved this story and it comes highly recommended. Barbara has a wonderfully descriptive writing style that suits the stories she weaves. The ending fits in perfectly with the overall theme of the book and eluded me until the very end.

    Timepiece reminded me of a dramatic film and was well-worth the price of admission!

  • Evelyn Reads Vienna Blood

    Rating: 5 out of 5.

    Lately, I’ve not had much time for any light reading. So when my eyes fell upon the cover of Vienna Blood by K.C. Bloom, an erotica that features both lesbians and vampires, I found a reason to indulge.

    Vienna Blood by K.C. Bloom

    I read The Taste of her Blood, the first book of the series, earlier this year and found it to be a delightful read. It reminded me of a dark fairytale that featured a bit of erotic heat to sell it.

    Vienna Blood has a different feel to it, because the innocence expected of a fairytale’s main character slipped away with the first novel. Instead, the author changed the setting to a prominent European city filled with women and court intrigue. The characters adapt well to this new environment and are soon involved in a situation that is outside of their control. What happens next is exactly why this book is a must read.

    K.C. Bloom is a wonderful storyteller, one who easily weaves action, intrigue and lust into a story that leaves you yearning for more. How fortunate for me, that there is a third book from the same vein that is calling out to me.

  • Evelyn Reads The Curse of a Name

    Rating: 5 out of 5.

    The Curse of a Name by Kima Blaze harkens back to the days of classic horror. While based in modern times, this story features and old home filled with history and dark secrets that will bring out the best of this genre.

    The Curse of a Name by Kima Blaze

    Kima weaves her story beautifully even when dealing with separated parents, a parent’s deteriorating mental state, and coming to terms with her own sense of self. These elements are fused in such a way to keep you guessing. Are things really what they seem? Or is there something darker at play?

    While her scenes are rich in detail and history, there is also a great deal of depth to the characters themselves. Even in a short period of time, the main character grows and adapts to her situation in a believable way, thus paving the way for an ending, and sequel, that I’m sure will knock your socks off!

  • Evelyn Reads Wired

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    I’ve recently had the pleasure of reading Wired by Caytlyn Brooke, a young adult science-fiction that deals with social media and addiction.

    Wired by Caytlyn Brooke
    Wired by Caytlyn Brooke

    For me, reading this book felt like I was approaching a train wreck. From the distance, there is something but I’m unsure. The closer I get, the more apparent the devastation becomes. I simply cannot turn away from the scene, transfixed by the horror, and that is also true for this book.

    In the beginning, I hoped that the main character would heed the close calls and steer away from the dangers of this technology. Alas, the synopsis and chapter titles only served to remind me that things would get worse, far worse.

    How does it end? You’ll have to read to find out, and I highly recommend that you do. Just be aware that this book may have you look at your smartphone and associated social media feeds in a different way!

  • Evelyn Reads The Taste of Her Blood

    Rating: 5 out of 5.

    I found The Taste of Her Blood: A Lesbian Vampire Tale by K.C. Bloom to be precious little find. It reminded me of a classic fairy tale complete with foreboding forests, a hunter, brigands, and some sort of creature.

    The Taste of Her Blood: A Lesbian Vampire Tale by K.C. Bloom
    The Taste of Her Blood: A Lesbian Vampire Tale by K.C. Bloom

    The similarities end there because the author turns this story on its head! I found the main characters to be believable and fleshed out. Their intimate interactions flow beautifully into the prose such that these scenes compliment the story.

    I love the details that were specific to vampirism including the curse inflicted upon those who thirst for blood. I’ve never encountered that twist before and it provided a unique way to drive the story forward.

    While a quick read, you’ll find yourself yearning for more. Fortunately, K.C. Bloom has written another story in the same vein!

    Perhaps she’d like to borrow my Evelyn for some inspiration?
